Articles Tagged with Ohio DUI/OVI Sentencing

DUI-Law-Notebook-300x198With St. Patrick’s Day around the corner, many people in Ohio will be celebrating at bars.  Most of those people will drive home, and some of those people will be arrested for DUI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio).  How many of those arrests will involve drivers who have already been convicted of OVI at least once?  How are repeat OVI offenses in Ohio treated differently than first offenses?

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Judge-and-Gavel-300x200Suppose a person is charged with DUI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) and that person previously refused an alcohol/drug test when arrested for OVI.  Can that person’s sentence be enhanced for the current OVI based on the prior refusal?  This question was recently addressed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  In Ohio, this question is addressed in the Ohio OVI statutes.  The Ohio OVI statutes are nuanced and do provide consequences for prior convictions and test refusals.

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