Articles Posted in DUI/OVI lawyering

If you are charged with a D.U.I. (O.V.I.) in Ohio, do you really need to hire an attorney, or can you just represent yourself (proceed “pro se”)? This post could be cut short with the old adage “he who represents himself has a fool for a client”, but I think there are exceptions to this adage. However, if you are going to contest a D.U.I. charge, you are almost certainly going to need an attorney.

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So you’ve been charged with a D.U.I. (O.V.I.) in Ohio, and you’re wondering if you should contest it or just plead guilty at the first court appearance (the arraignment). Pleading guilty at the arraignment would get it over with quickly, thereby saving time and money. On the other hand, a D.U.I. conviction will likely have a significant impact in the future.

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In a previous post, I discussed the Intoxilyzer 8000. The Ohio Department of Health made a controversial purchase of 7000 of these breath-testing machines, and a few are being used in central Ohio D.U.I./O.V.I. cases. In the previous post, I said I would give developments from my first 8000 case.

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