A few days ago, legal recreational marijuana sales began in Ohio. At some dispensaries, there has been an overwhelming response, with customers standing in line to buy marijuana. As sales can only be made to people who are 21 and older, we can presume most of the recreational marijuana users…
Articles Posted in Ohio OVI Attorney
Justin Timberlake’s DWI and the Presumption of Innocence
Justin Timberlake’s arrest for DWI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) demonstrates the crucial need for the presumption of innocence in criminal trials. Within hours after Timberlake’s arrest, hundreds of website pages broadcasted the accusation. Many people, like the writer of this article, have already convicted him in their minds. In court,…
U.S. Supreme Court Addresses Right to Confront Crime Lab Analyst
In DUI cases (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio), a defendant’s blood or urine sample may be tested by a crime lab to determine the concentration of alcohol and/or drugs in the sample. In court, a lab analyst testifies regarding the blood or urine testing and the results of the test. But…
Can a Driver Arrested for DUI/OVI Revoke Consent to a Blood Test?
When an officer arrests a driver for DUI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio), the officer typically requests that the driver consent to a blood, breath, or urine test. However, a statute in the Ohio Revised Code (section 4511.191) says a driver arrested for OVI implicitly consents to those tests. Can a…
When Are Officers Permitted to Administer Breath Alcohol Tests?
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) recently implemented a policy of administering a breath alcohol test to every driver stopped for a traffic offense. Even if the stop is for a minor violation, and even if the officer has no suspicion the driver is under the influence, the driver must submit…
Patrick Mahomes, Sr. and Felony DUI / OVI
Patrick Mahomes, Sr. was indicted for drunk driving in Texas. According to Spectrum News, Mahomes has two prior DWI convictions. In Texas, a third DWI (called ‘OVI’ in Ohio) is a felony offense which carries a prison term of two years to ten years. But what if a person is…
Brush Your Teeth…and Measure Your Alcohol Level
You probably have heard of the Breathalyzer, but probably not the Brushalyser. Now you have. The Brushalyser is at the intersection of oral hygiene and traffic safety: it’s a toothbrush which doubles as a portable breath alcohol test. But should you rely on your toothbrush to determine whether it’s safe…
Gen Z is Last Alphabetically but First for Bad Driving
A recent study by Lending Tree addressed the generational differences in bad driving. The study analyzed the rates of driving incidents in four categories among five generations: Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation. The study report explains Generation Z has the worst rates among all…
Driving Privileges for DUI/ OVI in Ohio
I came across an article about a pending bill in South Dakota which proposes expanding the scope of driving privileges for people convicted of DUI (called ‘OVI in Ohio). It reminded me that, in Ohio, driving privileges related to OVI are often misunderstood. This article clarifies Ohio law regarding limited…
DUI/OVI and Improperly Handling Firearms in Ohio
Muhammad Wilkerson, former defensive end for the New York Jets, was arrested for Operating a Vehicle under the Influence and Unlawful Possession of a Loaded handgun. Wilkerson’s arrest occurred in New Jersey. If Wilkerson were arrested for these offenses in Ohio, he would be charged with OVI and Improperly Handling…