
Columbus OVI/DUI Attorney Blog


Hope Of Challenging Critical Evidence In Ohio DUI/OVI Cases

The last post for this blog discussed the defendant’s right to confront and cross examine the people responsible for the chemical test that determines a defendant’s blood alcohol level. On one hand, the United States Supreme Court strengthened this confrontation right in Melendez-Diaz. On the other hand, an Ohio court…


No Right To Challenge The Most Critical Evidence In Ohio DUI/OVI Cases?

Imagine a case in which the defendant is not permitted to challenge the most critical evidence. For example, imagine a products liability case in which the plaintiff says, “we know the product was defective because we did scientific testing which showed it was defective.” The defendant would challenge the scientific…


Halloween Costume Leads To Another D.U.I. Arrest

Earlier this month, a 19-year-old was pulled over for driving erratically in Lincoln, Nebraska. When police searched his vehicle, they found beer and a bottle of vodka. Following field sobriety tests, he was arrested for D.U.I. and had a breath alcohol concentration more than twice the legal limit (see article…


Driver Arrested For DUI Twice In One Night

A man in Casper, Wyoming was charged with D.U.I. twice in the same night. It was not the first such occurrence in this Wyoming town. The incident raises the issue of increased penalties for repeat D.U.I. offenses, additional charges for Driving Under Suspension, and the policy of releasing arrestees after…

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